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$7.99 Atlas Shake 'N' Cure for Salmon Eggs - Orange Curing your own salmon and steelhead eggs with Atlas Shake 'N' Cure gives your eggs enhanced scent, texture and great milking action! This easy-to-use special recipe increases fish-attracting scents and milking of clusters you cure. Handy shaker top for e MORE... | $4.78 Berkley PowerBait Natural Scent Trout Bait - Garlic No other bait can match the appeal and effectiveness of Berkley PowerBait Natural Scent Trout Bait. It's simply one of the most productive trout-catching formulas ever, scientifically proven to outperform real salmon eggs and other favorite baits. This ea MORE... |
$4.19 Pautzke Fire Bait Glitter Trout Bait - Natural Pautzke Fire Bait Glitter Trout Bait is a revolutionary dough bait designed to catch trout. Packed with cutting-edge fishing technology, its consistency and bright, vibrant color guarantees results and performance you will grow to depend on. Fire Bait is MORE... | $3.98 Berkley PowerBait Biodegradable Trout Bait - Hatchery Pellet To maximize your trout catch, use Berkley's PowerBait Biodegradable Trout Bait in your favorite stream or lake. This moldable, easy-to-use, biodegradable trout bait's floating formula enhances the dispersion of scent and flavor to bring in distant trout. MORE... |
$4.78 Berkley PowerBait Natural Scent Glitter Trout Bait - Rainbow Salmon Egg Scent MORE... | $4.78 Berkley PowerBait Natural Scent Glitter Trout Bait - Salmon Peach Salmon Egg Scent MORE... |
$4.78 Berkley Gulp! Alive! Floating Salmon Eggs - Fluorescent Yellow You're missing tons of action if you're not fishing Berkley's Gulp! Alive! Floating Salmon Eggs. Deadly for trout and steelhead in fast or still water, the Gulp! Alive! Floating Salmon Eggs closely resemble real salmon eggs and are the perfect baits when MORE... | $4.19 Pautzke Fire Bait Glitter Trout Bait - Rainbow Pautzke Fire Bait Glitter Trout Bait is a revolutionary dough bait designed to catch trout. Packed with cutting-edge fishing technology, its consistency and bright, vibrant color guarantees results and performance you will grow to depend on. Fire Bait is MORE... |
$3.98 Berkley Gulp! Fat Floating Trout Worms - Nitecrawler Not only are Berkley's Gulp! Fat Floating Trout Worms loaded with trout-attracting ingredients, but they offer a buoyant, lifelike design that imitates the features and action of small worms and other trout forage. Shorter and fatter than other trout worm MORE... | $3.98 Berkley Gulp! Pinched Crawler - 2″ - Nightcrawler Rigged under a bobber, on a spinner rig, or splitshot rig, Berkley's Gulp! pinched crawlers boast one of the most realistic shapes ever produced. Loaded with Berkley's patented and powerful scent technology, Gulp! Pinched Crawlers are made from all-natura MORE... |