Popular In Line Spinners

If you want to catch trout, panfish, redfish or bass, in-line spinners are a fantastic way to attract these fish.

In salmon related articles I talk about how much I love the Blue Fox Vibrax and nothing changes here either! This is simply one of the most productive and effective lures I’ve ever used and the Blue Fox line is tested and true!

There are other fantastic lure that I like to use for trout and bass like Mepps, Panther and Terminator, so I’ve included them on this page for you to look at and compare prices. We have awesome stock and competitive prices so you’re sure to always get a great bargain on tackle!

Check out the various lures and tackle that we offer right here at gosalmonfishing.com!

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Mepps Black Fury Plain - Chartreuse Dot - 1/6 oz.
For catching trophy fish, few spinners can match the Mepps Black Fury. A special blade spins even closer to the body than the classic Aglia blade, making it ideal for fishing shallow to mid-depths. This is a perfect spinner for low-light conditions or sun



Mepps Aglia Dressed Trout Kit - Size #0
For trout anglers, the Mepps Aglia Dressed Trout Kit takes the guesswork out of choosing the right lure for the task at hand. This Kit includes 3 spinners in the most popular sizes and colors for trout. Takes the guesswork out of choosing Most popular si



Mepps Aglia Original Plain Spinner - 1/6 oz. - Blue Platium
The Mepps Aglia Original Plain Spinner is precisely engineered to ensure the blade starts spinning the instant the lure enters the water, emitting continuous vibration and maximum flash to attract all species of gamefish. The signature "French blade" is c



Panther Martin FishSeeUV Ultra Violet Spinner Kit
The Panther Martin FishSeeUV Ultra Violet Spinner Kit includes some of the deadliest inline spinners you can throw to catch fish on cloudy days or in murky, muddy water. These lures are eye-popping enough in normal light, but put them under a black light


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